Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.


Planning for the Rosedale Show, to be held on the Milburn Arms field on 17 August, is now in its final stages. As well as all the usual favourites some innovations, including some new classes and adjustments to the field layout are going to be tried out, so exciting times ahead!

Car parking is free on the day and entries are £7 for adults, £6 for Seniors, £5 for children and under 5s are free.

The Showground gates open at 9,00am and we look forward to seeing you all here on Saturday 17 August, and spread the word about Rosedale Show.

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