Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.


Steve Brace and Linda Blackburne, of the Oaks, Rosedale Abbey, were married in St Mary and St Lawrence Church, Rosedale Abbey, on Saturday 3 August. The ceremony was presided over by the Reverend Christine Haddon-Reece and the music was provided by members of the Moorland Voices choir and Chris Dyson of Gaelforce.

The Bride and Her Bridesmaids, Lauren and Cara, arriving at the church
The Bride and Groom
Untying The Gate, by local tradition!

The reception was held in the paddock of the Oaks, in Rosedale Abbey.

Hearty best wishes and congratulations from all in the dale to Steve and Linda

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