A quick summary of events over the Jubilee period as a reminder:
ROSEDALE ART & CRAFT FESTIVAL AND CONCERTS at Rosedale Abbey church in aid of the Save Rosedale Abbey Church appeal.
Wednesday June 1, 7pm, Festival Launch with concert by The Dalesmen Singers. £10 at the door. Refreshments.
Thursday – Sunday June 2-5, 10.00 – 4.00, Art & Craft workers selling a wide range of hand-made quality pieces, workshops and displays. Free entry. Workshops can be pre-booked. See further details on facebook, twitter and www.rosedaleabbey.com
Thursday 2 June 9.45pm – Beacon Lighting on Chimney Bank
Thursday June 9, 7.00pm Concert with jazz musicians John Lane and Richard Haynes, and professional singer and guitarist, Ross McWhirter. £10 at the door. Refreshments.
ROSEDALE HISTORY MEETING on Sunday 5 June, 2.00-4.00 at Updale Reading Room village hall. Our informal, quarterly meetings are open to all for research and discussion. Our large archive covers both social and industrial heritage with photographs, documents and maps. Internet access provided. Refreshments available. Contact rosedalehistory@hotmail.co.uk with any enquiries.