The annual show (every August) is run by the Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society. This year will include Cattle, Goats, Heavy Horses, Ponies, jumping, local produce, Rabbits, Vintage Tractors & Scarecrows and much more. More details to follow soon on the Rosedale Show’s website.
Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.
The next quarterly meeting of the RHS Tea and Chat will be in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall on Sunday 4 December from 2.00 to 4.00pm. There will be the usual access to the extensive RHS archive and excellent tea and cakes and entry is free – hope to see you all there.
This coming weekend we will be having a coffee morning in the Coach House on Saturday, 4 December, 10.00-12.00. There will be the usual raffle and cake sales, and donations for either or both will be gratefully accepted.
On the following day, Sunday 5th, between 2.00-4.00pm., we will be having our first Tea and Chat meeting back in the Updale Reading Room in almost two years. We look forward to seeing some familiar faces and also welcome new ones to our very informal get-togethers. Could those who would like to come along please bring a mask and respect social distancing. Refreshments will be available.
Please note, future meetings are going to be quarterly, not monthly. Our meetings for 2022 will be held on the first Sunday in March, June, September and December.
Our much loved coffee mornings are starting again at last on Saturday 2 October in the Coach House Inn, Rosedale Abbey, from 10.00 until 12.00 and in aid of Community Village in Bloom.
The usual cake sale and ever popular raffle will also take place and the the new Rosedale Calendar for 2022 will be available at £10 per copy in aid of the Rosedale church appeal.
Hoping to see you all there on Saturday at 10.00am
In view of the virulence of the pandemic and following Government advice, Rosedale PCC has voted to close the church for public worship for the time being. This includes opening the church for private prayer.
Irrespective of how well we can assess and manage the risk in church, it seems entirely wrong to invite people to leave their homes to get to church when the Government’s advice is so strongly to Stay at Home.
Because we are all having to change our plans
due to the virus threat, we will be holding no further monthly meetings or
other events for the next few months.
If anyone wants archive information, please
email us at any time at
The last tea and chat meeting of the Society for 2019 was held on Sunday 1 December in the Updale Reading Room, when the members made a presentation to Carol Cockerill and Margaret Truran to thank them for their hard work in support of the Society throughout the year and the wonderful tea and cakes which make each meeting such a treat.
Just a reminder that the meetings of the RHS are held on the first Sunday of each month from 2.00 to 4.00pm. Entry is free and there is a wealth of archive material and internet access available on the social, family and industrial of Rosedale – so why not come along on Sunday 5 January 2019 for a warm welcome, great chat and excellent tea and cakes!