Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

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Archive for the ‘Cycling’ Category

Tour de Yorkshire

Now that the fuss had died down, some pictures from the great day:

Three happy visitors up at Bell End Farm

Three happy visitors up at Bell End Farm

The peleton or bunch whirling passed Bell End Farm

The peleton or bunch whirling passed Bell End Farm

The Rosedale Swing Band in fine form

The Rosedale Swing Band in fine form

Even noisier - the children's  brass band!

Even noisier – the children’s brass band!

The pop-up tea and cake stall that raised £685 for the church and school.

The pop-up tea and cake stall that raised £685 for the church and school.

And finally, thanks to all those many who put up bunting, designed wonderful artifacts to decorate the approaches to and the village itself and generally helped make 1 May a special day for all in the dale.

Riding the Cote de Rosedale Abbey

There they go over to the moors riding the first stage of the Tour de Yorkshire photo by Ena Dent of Craven Farm. Gary Verity and a team of top cycling journos passed though the village today, testing the route and enjoying the new road surfaces. 


Tour Makers de Rosedale

Although we had no riders in the Tour de France, Rosedale was represented by Maggie Barraclough, Mike Hutton and Shirley Tyrell who  added to the sparkle and success of the Le Grand Depart by acting as Tour Makers over both Yorkshire stages.

Maggie, Mike and Shirley at Littleborough on Stage 2

Maggie, Mike and Shirley at Littleborough, Cragg Vale on Stage 2

Did anyone spot them? Hard to miss in all that lovely bright kit!