Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category


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Sunday in monthHuttonRosedaleAppletonCroptonLastingham
1st Sunday9.15 am9.15 am  10.45 am
2nd Sunday  9.15 am3.00 pm EP, winter 6.00 pm EP, summer10.45 am
3rd Sunday10.00 am9.15 am  10.45 am
4th Sunday  9.15 am11.00 am, HC10.45 am
5th Sunday10.00 am Benefice service, location rotating round the churches
2nd Wednesday in month10.00 am Holy Communion in Lastingham Crypt or Lady Chapel

Lastingham Benefice church service pattern for January 2025.

Times and service types may change a little after discussion at our next churchwardens’ meeting. Any changes will be well advertised.

All services are Holy Communion, with the exception of Evening Prayer/Evensong at Cropton once a month. This is held at 3.00 pm in winter months (GMT) and 6.00 pm in the summer (BST).

The Holy Communion services follow Common Worship Oder One (Modern) liturgy, except for Hutton which follows the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). The Lastingham 2nd Wednesday is usually BCP Holy Communion, and Evening Prayer at Cropton is usually BCP.

A blank cell in the table below indicates no service at that church on that Sunday.

Please get in touch if you have any queries.

Revd David Haddon-Reece

01751 417401


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Father Christmas paid his customary visit to Rosedale on Wednesday evening where he was welcomed by an enthusiastic crowd of local children.

Now then, Santa ….!

The Ryedale Lions who escort Father Christmas around the villages and dales hope to collect around £10,000 for charitable causes this Christmas, so if you see the red suited one around elsewhere don’t forget to drop a few coins in the collecting jar. Happy Christmas!


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Regrettably, the Tea and Chat meeting of the History Society planned for this Sunday has been postponed because of the bad weather (snow, frost and fog). However, the meeting will now go ahead on Sunday 10 December in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall from 2.00 to 4.00pm.

Please pass on this news to anyone you know who might have intended to come this Sunday.

Another Bad Move

Parts of a second series of the comedy soap opera ‘Bad Move’ are being filmed in the village on Wednesday 16 May. Principally, the action will concern a village parade, hence the straw sheaves on the school railings, the bunting and other items on the village green. The location managers ask that locals do not stand around and watch the proceedings and to avoid parking in the indicated areas.

Getting ready for the village fete (not the real one

The transmission dates are not yet known , but will be passed on here when the production people have decided on them.

Tawny owl makes a welcome daylight appearance

Tawny owls are very vocal in late autumn and throughout winter but we don’t often get to see them in all their splender. How lucky local residents Bob and Janet Morton were to have a tawny owl in their garden recently, on two separate occasions. Bob has captured the warm chestnut brown feathering, distinct facial disc and somewhat dumpy appearance beautifully.  Very many thanks Updale Natural History Recorder

lighter tones underneath with distinct facial disc

warm chestnut brown feathering