Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.

Archive for the ‘Charity Events’ Category


Just a reminder that the Coffee Morning in the Coach House Inn in aid of the Reading Room/Village Hall is on Saturday 1 June from 10 to 12am with the usual cake sales and raffle and that the Rosedale History Archive quarterly Tea and Chat Meeting will be in the Village Hall in Updale from 2 to 4pm on Sunday 2 June where a host of historical archive material; will be available to peruse and also some excellent tea and cakes will be available! Both events are free to enter but donations would be appreciated to help the annual running costs of both organisations.


The charity coffee morning held at the Coach House Inn on Saturday 4 May raised the amazing sum of £460 for the Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team. There was an excellent turnout of locals and visitors who had the opportunity to see some of the kit and vehicles the team use in their vital work in the North Yorkshire area.

Pete Thompson from the team and Rev David Haddon-Reece
Pete Thompson talking about the work, training and equipment of the Mountain Rescue Team

As ever, many thanks to Lorrie and Carole for organising the raffle and Dave Oakey and his team from the Coach House for hosting the event. Of course, special thanks to all who contributed raffle prizes, cakes for the sale and donations for the coffee and biscuits.

The next coffee morning will be on Saturday 1 June at the Coach House from 10 to 12am and will be in aid of the Reading Room/Village Hall.


The Coffee Morning to be held in the Coach House Inn, Rosedale Abbey, on Saturday 4 May from 10am to 12am will be in aid of our local Search and Rescue Team

Scarborough and Ryedale Search and Rescue in action!

The team will have one of their vehicles on show and members will be able to demonstrate some of their rescue techniques.

All are welcome to come and support this essential service to our community and, of course, for the usual excellent coffee and biscuits provided by the Coach House Team and for the cake sale and raffle to follow.


Over seventy people attended a very interesting talk on Rosedale’s barn owls, held in St Mary and St Lawrence Church on Wednesday 6 March. The event was in aid of the Save Rosedale Church Appeal and raised the magnificent sum of £978 from donations and an auction of a print of owlets on an owl box.

The audience enjoying a fascinating talk on Rosedale’s owls.

Heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who set up and hosted this very successful evening.


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Around 40 locals and visitors joined in singing carols, encouraged by mulled cider and mince pies, on Friday. As a result over £270 was raised for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, for which heartfelt thanks to all for your generosity.

Also our thanks to Graig and Helen at Abbey Stores for their help with setting up the event and to James at Graze on The Green for his ever excellent mince pies!

And finally, best wishes for a Happy Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year to all our readers, here and abroad.


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The following letter was received from the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Association regarding the funds raised at the Coffee Morning on Saturday 2 December:

Thanks again to all who contributed and donated raffle prizes, coffee money and other donations and to all who helped run this very successful event.

A message from NRAS –

I am delighted to confirm that £550 was received into our charity bank account on 5th December 2023.Please pass on our grateful thanks to the Rosedale residents and coffee morning regulars for their generosity. It looks like it was a very successful event and such a lovely way to honour the lives of your friends Ann and Linda.

Your support will make a real difference to the lives of those living with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Wishing you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Kind regards.

Helen Saich

Senior Trusts and Company Giving Fundraiser

National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS)