Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.


The Coffee Morning to be held in the Coach House Inn, Rosedale Abbey, on Saturday 4 May from 10am to 12am will be in aid of our local Search and Rescue Team

Scarborough and Ryedale Search and Rescue in action!

The team will have one of their vehicles on show and members will be able to demonstrate some of their rescue techniques.

All are welcome to come and support this essential service to our community and, of course, for the usual excellent coffee and biscuits provided by the Coach House Team and for the cake sale and raffle to follow.

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