Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.

Archive for the ‘Exhibitions’ Category


Just a reminder that the Coffee Morning in the Coach House Inn in aid of the Reading Room/Village Hall is on Saturday 1 June from 10 to 12am with the usual cake sales and raffle and that the Rosedale History Archive quarterly Tea and Chat Meeting will be in the Village Hall in Updale from 2 to 4pm on Sunday 2 June where a host of historical archive material; will be available to peruse and also some excellent tea and cakes will be available! Both events are free to enter but donations would be appreciated to help the annual running costs of both organisations.


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The quarterly Tea and Chat of the Rosedale History Archive will be on Sunday 3 March from 2.00 to 4.00pm in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall. The extensive historical archive will be accessible and also the usual excellent tea and cakes. Admission is free but a donations to the Archive would be welcomed.


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At last, Rosedale has its show back after a gap of three years. A huge amount of work has gone into the planning and set-up of the show by Sam Dring and the Show Committee with, it has to be admitted, some scratching of the collective head to remember how it was done before!

Setting up the rings and erecting the tentage started on Tuesday 15 August and preparations were almost fully complete by noon on Friday 18 August thanks to the stirling efforts of a small team of hard working volunteers:

Pressing in fence posts for arena fencing
Tying on the fencing around the main ring
Preparing the smart new-style marquee for the Industrial classes.

After a very damp night, Saturday 19 August turned out to be a warm, semi-sunny day which brought out the crowds in their many thousands (final figures to be confirmed) for the show. The ground however was still very soft, but thanks to the tireless work on local farmers the horseboxes and larger vehicles were successfully delivered and towed back out at the end of the day. Here are some snap shots to remind us all of an excellent day all round:

Early birds starting to lay out entries in the Industrial tent.
The First Prize – after three years, the first prize of the 23 Show was presented by Ms Jess Johnson of Terrington.
The Rosedale History Society’s 150th Rosedale Show Anniversary Exhibition. Parts of the Exibition will be on display in Rosedale Abbey church for the rest of the holiday season.
Old and Older! Vintage tractors on display
Sean Doughty bringing his smartly turned out Field Marshall vintage tractor on to the show field.
Mr Arthur Yeoman, President of The Show for 2023 with Sam Dring, Chair of the Rosedale Show Committee
Enjoying the Job – Steve Colling judging the Wines entries
Good to see Bill Metcalfe back at the Show
The magnificent collection of trophies on show, thanks to Gill Gaines and family
Little and Large in one of the Pony Classes!
A good crowd enjoyed the performances of the Railroad Hobos and the Bilsdale Silver Band

An unusual sight – a Ridden Heavy Horse class on show.

Ian McIntyre judging the Sporting Dogs class in the very popular (and noisy) Dog Show
Foxhounds being judged
They’re Off! The start of the first of the hound trails

The Baby Show
The skipping challenge in the Children’s Sports Day
Stephanie Barraclough with Emmie up on Tash in the Fancy Dress on Horseback class.
The new King and Queen!

As in previous years, the revived Show was put on only through the hard work of the Show Committee members and the team of volunteers who gathered to set up the show area, who ran the entry gates , shepherded the traffic, crunched all the entry tickets, cleaned the trophies and assisted the stewards and judges and , of course, Adam Collier for his wonderful commentary on the day’s proceedings – our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed and we look forward to seeing you again next year on the Show Field on Saturday 17 August.


On Saturday 3 June the Coach House Inn will be hosting a coffee morning with raffle from 10.00 to 12.00am in aid of the Village Hall/Reading Room.

Then, on Sunday 4 June, the Rosedale History Society will hold its quarterly Tea and Chat in the Updale Reading Room from 2.00 to 4.00pm, when its extensive social and industrial heritage archive will be available to view. Entry is free but donations are welcome.

The Stall on The Green event held recently raised £260.20 for the church Appeal Fund – well done all.


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The Make, Bake and Grow Show and the Sheep Show were held on the Turret Field, in the church and on the Milburn Field on Saturday afternoon, 20 August 2022. Blessed by warm weather, all parts of the event turned out to be very well attended by local folk and visitors alike.

The church element is expected to make a substantial sum for the church repair fund (Afternote: £848.00 was raised, an excellent result ).

The Bake, Make and Grow organising group would like to thank everyone who helped at or attended their event held in the Turret field on Saturday 20th August. 

The amazing support from both the local community and visitors helped to make the day a wonderful success. 

After paying expenses, monies raised will be donated to the Reading Room, the school, the church, the community fund and to mountain rescue. 

Thank you!

Some of the produce on show
The ever popular raffle in progress
Ram judging at the Sheep Show

Heartfelt thanks to all who organised, helped out and donated to this very successful event. With luck and a strong community effort it is hoped that there will be a full Rosedale Show again in 2023.

North Pennines AONB Group Visit – 16 August 2022

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Five members of the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty group visited Rosedale on Tuesday 16 August to see the conservation and interpretation aspects of the recent Land of Iron project. Linda Chambers, a member of the project’s steering committee, took them around to examine the information and interpretation boards in various sites in the village and at the ironstone kilns at Bank Top.

Linda Chambers (second from left) and NP AONB visitors at the Rosedale Abbey Land of Iron interpretation boards


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Saturday 20th August,  Church Turret Field and Rosedale Abbey church.  Free admission.

Show entries open for public viewing  1-4pm. 

Also History Society display,  children’s activities,  raffle,  plant and produce stall, arts and craft sale, and tea and cakes stall .

Donations of surplus plants and fruit and vegetables would be much appreciated, to sell for show funds.  Please bring them along on the day.

Finally, the very popular Rosedale Calendar for 2023 will be on sale in the church on the day for £10 a copy in aid of the Save Rosedale Church Appeal


A number of events around the dale are taking place to celebrate HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Most of the events are in aid of the Save Rosedale Abbey Church Appeal and you can contribute directly during the week at the events or by BACS payment to Save Rosedale Abbey Church, account no 35397892, sort code 05-05-70 at Virgin Money.

Some images from the celebrations in the dale are below:

The Rev David Haddon-Reece opening the week of events and celebrations – I June 2022
The Opening Concert, with the Dalesmen Singers – 1 June
Crafting in the Church with Jo Tomlin – 2 June
Singing The National Anthem – 2 June
John Lane at the spinning wheel, 2 June
Happy Souvenir! 2 June 2022
The Tea Tent with a very colourful spread on show!
Sue Turner, winner of the Victoria Sponge competition, 2 June .
Clare Haynes leading the Moorland Voices choir on Thursday 2 June
Thursday 2 June, late evening and waiting expectantly on Bank Top for the Jubilee Beacon to be lit …
… and Ignition! Thanks to the great design and engineering skills of Anthony Davies and Richard Dent.
The Beacon Crew – Anthony Davies (electrics), Richard Dent (metalwork) and Harry Wilson (rigging)
Arts and Crafts Festival – 3 June 2022
Arts and Crafts leaf printing workshop, led by Linda Blackburne – 3 June
Demonstrating spinning yarn on a hand reel, 3 June.
The Moorland Voices choir performing again on Friday
Richard Haynes from the Moorland Voices explains the workings of the hurdy-gurdy to some visitors – Friday 3 June
Unusual Cricket Pitch Markings!
The Updale versus Downdale Cricket Teams – 3 June 2022
Cricketing Action, 3 June – an Updale batsman gets a hit and it is believed that Downdale were the eventual winners!
Arts and Crafts, 4 June – Button Making Class
Arts and Crafts, 4 June – Linda Chambers and Lorraine Dale’s Jewellery Workshop
Prosecco and Pizza in The Park, 4 June – The Bar Team – Anne Brown, Margaret Bradbury and Jen Black – with some thirsty customers
Prosecco and Pizza in The Park, 4 June – margherita, meat feast, pepperoni or mediterranean?
Prosecco and Pizza in The Park, 4 June – The charity cake stall for the sweeter toothed!
Arts and Crafts, 5 June – Crocheting
Jubilee 22, 5 June – Picnic and Sports,
The Dean Parker family with Julie Alderson
More hardy picnickers
The Mitchells enjoying the drizzle!
The rain made the ground slippery for some!
Sack Race Levitation
Parental assistance in the Egg and Spoon Race!
The Finale to The Sports Events – Sam Raw umpires the Tug-of-War
Cheers! Arts and Crafts Festival Committee with some volunteers celebrating a job well done
Arts and Crafts Festival Concert 9 June – John Lane and Richard Haynes providing some soothing West Coast jazz
Arts and Craft Festival Concert 9 June – Trevor Dale helping out with the raffle
Arts and Craft Festival Concert 9 June – Ross McWhirter raising the volume levels!

The excellent concert on 9 June in the church was a fitting finale to a very successful Platinum Jubilee week in Rosedale. Congratulations and thanks to all who organised the many events and to all the volunteers who helped run them so well. Many visitors commented on on the bright and friendly atmosphere in the village throughout the period and Rosedale can be proud of its tribute to HM The Queen and its efforts in raising much needed funds for the church’s restoration. The Church Treasurer is now drawing breath and will publish the financial results shortly. Remember, you can continue giving at any time to this vital effort, either in the boxes in the church itself or by BACS to Save Rosedale Abbey Church at Virgin Money account number 35397892, sort code 05-05-70

Afternote: the final amount for the church appeal raised after costs is a magnificent £4,530! Again, well done to all involved.