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Rosedale Community News

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Archive for the ‘Rosedale Show’ Category


Planning for the Rosedale Show, to be held on the Milburn Arms field on 17 August, is now in its final stages. As well as all the usual favourites some innovations, including some new classes and adjustments to the field layout are going to be tried out, so exciting times ahead!

Car parking is free on the day and entries are £7 for adults, £6 for Seniors, £5 for children and under 5s are free.

The Showground gates open at 9,00am and we look forward to seeing you all here on Saturday 17 August, and spread the word about Rosedale Show.


The ever popular Rosedale calendar in aid of the Save Rosedale Church Appeal is now available for sale at the inflation proof price of £10 a copy from Abbey Stores in Rosedale Abbey village. The 2025 calendar will also be on sale at the upcoming Rosedale Show 0n 17 August in the Rosedale History Archive tent, at coffee mornings in the Coach House Inn and at the History Archive Tea and Chat meetings – more details to follow.


The schedule for the 2024 Rosedale Show is now published. It gives the list of classes, entry forms, FAQs, membership applications and lots more.

The Schedule is available in Abbey Stores, Graze on The Green, The Coach House Inn and St Mary and St Lawrence Church and other outlets in the dale. Enquiries to rosedaleshowsecretary@gmail.com.


Dear Rosedale Show Supporters,

Thank you for your amazing support for Rosedale Show. We thought you might like to know that the deadline for Sponsorship to appear in the schedule and catalogue is 31st March. The deadline for appearance in the catalogue is 25th July. This is also the deadline for advertising. There are still a variety of classes waiting for a sponsor and if you were interested, please get in touch us! Plants, flowers and vegetables are feeling particularly lonely! Looking Forward to hearing from you.

Many Thanks!  Vicki and Pam

Our Contact details are as follows:


Phone01751417125: Drop off point- The Old Police House, Rosedale Abbey. YO18 8SA

WhatsApp 07875 523319

BACS Rosedale Show Committee-Sort Code 05-06-69 Account; 36595870


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Fifty four members of the Show Committee and their guests sat down to a delicious pie and pudding supper in the Coach House Inn on Friday night, 8 December. Mr Arthur Yeoman, this year’s President, was the guest of honour. Sam Dring, the Committee Chair, gave a summary of the 2023 show and thanked all who had helped make it a most successful event after an enforced gap of three years.

Sam Dring presenting Arthur Yeoman with a souvenir photograph from the 2023 Show
Lynn Kershaw, the Vice-Chair, presenting Sam Dring with a momento of the Show.
Arthur Yeoman returning the thanks of the Committee
The next Show Committee? The younger generation enjoying a social evening.

Planning is already well underway for the next show which is due to be held on Saturday 17 August 2924. As ever, the Committee asks that people note the date and if they can help out in any way prior to and on the day of the Show to contact any member of the Committee.

Finally, thanks again to the staff of the Coach House for hosting us all to an excellent evening.


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At last, Rosedale has its show back after a gap of three years. A huge amount of work has gone into the planning and set-up of the show by Sam Dring and the Show Committee with, it has to be admitted, some scratching of the collective head to remember how it was done before!

Setting up the rings and erecting the tentage started on Tuesday 15 August and preparations were almost fully complete by noon on Friday 18 August thanks to the stirling efforts of a small team of hard working volunteers:

Pressing in fence posts for arena fencing
Tying on the fencing around the main ring
Preparing the smart new-style marquee for the Industrial classes.

After a very damp night, Saturday 19 August turned out to be a warm, semi-sunny day which brought out the crowds in their many thousands (final figures to be confirmed) for the show. The ground however was still very soft, but thanks to the tireless work on local farmers the horseboxes and larger vehicles were successfully delivered and towed back out at the end of the day. Here are some snap shots to remind us all of an excellent day all round:

Early birds starting to lay out entries in the Industrial tent.
The First Prize – after three years, the first prize of the 23 Show was presented by Ms Jess Johnson of Terrington.
The Rosedale History Society’s 150th Rosedale Show Anniversary Exhibition. Parts of the Exibition will be on display in Rosedale Abbey church for the rest of the holiday season.
Old and Older! Vintage tractors on display
Sean Doughty bringing his smartly turned out Field Marshall vintage tractor on to the show field.
Mr Arthur Yeoman, President of The Show for 2023 with Sam Dring, Chair of the Rosedale Show Committee
Enjoying the Job – Steve Colling judging the Wines entries
Good to see Bill Metcalfe back at the Show
The magnificent collection of trophies on show, thanks to Gill Gaines and family
Little and Large in one of the Pony Classes!
A good crowd enjoyed the performances of the Railroad Hobos and the Bilsdale Silver Band

An unusual sight – a Ridden Heavy Horse class on show.

Ian McIntyre judging the Sporting Dogs class in the very popular (and noisy) Dog Show
Foxhounds being judged
They’re Off! The start of the first of the hound trails

The Baby Show
The skipping challenge in the Children’s Sports Day
Stephanie Barraclough with Emmie up on Tash in the Fancy Dress on Horseback class.
The new King and Queen!

As in previous years, the revived Show was put on only through the hard work of the Show Committee members and the team of volunteers who gathered to set up the show area, who ran the entry gates , shepherded the traffic, crunched all the entry tickets, cleaned the trophies and assisted the stewards and judges and , of course, Adam Collier for his wonderful commentary on the day’s proceedings – our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed and we look forward to seeing you again next year on the Show Field on Saturday 17 August.


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Show time is rapidly approaching and the organising committee asks if anyone can help set the show:

a. Tuesday 15 August at 6pm – Show Field set up

b. Saturday 19 August – in the Industrial Tent at 4.30pm to help take down the exhibits tables and screens.

c. Sunday 20 August at 9.00am – on the Show Field to help take down the arenas etc.

The Show is back after an enforced break of three years so please come along to help out and make it a great success in 2023.


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The Make, Bake and Grow Show and the Sheep Show were held on the Turret Field, in the church and on the Milburn Field on Saturday afternoon, 20 August 2022. Blessed by warm weather, all parts of the event turned out to be very well attended by local folk and visitors alike.

The church element is expected to make a substantial sum for the church repair fund (Afternote: £848.00 was raised, an excellent result ).

The Bake, Make and Grow organising group would like to thank everyone who helped at or attended their event held in the Turret field on Saturday 20th August. 

The amazing support from both the local community and visitors helped to make the day a wonderful success. 

After paying expenses, monies raised will be donated to the Reading Room, the school, the church, the community fund and to mountain rescue. 

Thank you!

Some of the produce on show
The ever popular raffle in progress
Ram judging at the Sheep Show

Heartfelt thanks to all who organised, helped out and donated to this very successful event. With luck and a strong community effort it is hoped that there will be a full Rosedale Show again in 2023.