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Archive for the ‘Rosedale Show’ Category


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Show time is rapidly approaching and the organising committee asks if anyone can help set the show:

a. Tuesday 15 August at 6pm – Show Field set up

b. Saturday 19 August – in the Industrial Tent at 4.30pm to help take down the exhibits tables and screens.

c. Sunday 20 August at 9.00am – on the Show Field to help take down the arenas etc.

The Show is back after an enforced break of three years so please come along to help out and make it a great success in 2023.


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The Make, Bake and Grow Show and the Sheep Show were held on the Turret Field, in the church and on the Milburn Field on Saturday afternoon, 20 August 2022. Blessed by warm weather, all parts of the event turned out to be very well attended by local folk and visitors alike.

The church element is expected to make a substantial sum for the church repair fund (Afternote: £848.00 was raised, an excellent result ).

The Bake, Make and Grow organising group would like to thank everyone who helped at or attended their event held in the Turret field on Saturday 20th August. 

The amazing support from both the local community and visitors helped to make the day a wonderful success. 

After paying expenses, monies raised will be donated to the Reading Room, the school, the church, the community fund and to mountain rescue. 

Thank you!

Some of the produce on show
The ever popular raffle in progress
Ram judging at the Sheep Show

Heartfelt thanks to all who organised, helped out and donated to this very successful event. With luck and a strong community effort it is hoped that there will be a full Rosedale Show again in 2023.

Rosedale show – Saturday 17 August 2019

There was solid rain for the whole of the day before the show so there was much apprehension about access to the show field on the day itself. However, after a slow and slippery start, the sun came out, the ground dried up quickly and the crowds turned up to make the day a great success. Some images as a reminder of the day:

English Toy Terriers – now a rare breed.
A competitor in the Retrained Racehorse Class
Herding sheep into the show pens
Thewell has a lot to answer for! One of children’s pony classes
Guinea Pig Judging
A surprise from the Yorkshire Air Ambulance!
The ever popular heavy horse class.
Children’s Sports – Coach and Horses Racing
The start of one of the hound trails.
Finding Unicorns – the fancy dress pony class with this year’s Presidents of the Show, Mr and Mrs Farrow.
The Church Tea Tent raised £2,350 , the best ever, so thanks to Anthea Read and her team of helpers and bakers

A huge vote of thanks to Sam Dring and her Show Committee and to all the volunteers who set up the show field and to the stewards and other helpers on the day – it could not happen without your dedication to making the Show such a success.

Rosedale Show Church Cake Stall – 17 August 2019

This a call for cakes and buns/scones for the ever popular Church Cake Stall at the Show on Saturday coming.

“I’ll have some of that, please.”

Items should be brought to the stall on the day or before hand to Anthea Read – contact her on 417156 or email on dykehouse@moorsweb.co.uk

It’s Showtime 2018!

The annual Rosedale Show was held on the Milburn Field on Saturday 18 August with good crowds enjoying the displays and events in breezy, sunny weather. Some scenes from around the ground:

Some fatherly advice before the judging.

Never too young to start.

A perennial favourite – the heavy horses judging.

In contrast, the smallest horses on show.

“I’ll have some of that, please.” At the church tea tent.

” Of course, it’s got a six and a half inch cylinder!”

For Your Eyes Only – the music, that is!

Man and Dog

Dogs everywhere – in and out of the judging ring.

More dogs – at the start of one of the hound trail races.

“That’s the winner!” In the ‘Any Continental Steer’ Class

The show could not be run each year without the sterling efforts of  Sam Dring and her committee and all the volunteers who help put up and take down the showground, who man the gates and direct traffic – heartfelt thanks to them all.

Also, a reminder of the Rosedale Flower Festival in aid of the ‘Save Rosedale Abbey Church Appeal’ which will be in the church of St Mary and St Lawrence from 15 to 23 September with a Harvest Service and Supper at 6.00pm on Saturday 22 September – all are very much welcome.

Rosedale Show Needs You! Showground Set-Up 14 August

This a call for volunteers to help set-up the show arena and rings – please gather at the Milburn Field on Tuesday 14 August at 6.00pm. Bring some work gloves, pliers/multitools and a joyous heart!

Show Ring In Action

Without volunteer help, the show could not be staged every year and so please make an effort to spare some time to help next Tuesday evening on the Milburn Field.

Rosedale Show and Church Repair Appeal – 19 August 2017

Congratulations! Judging one of the sheep classes.

“Do you want water on those?”

Sunshine, showers and a blustery wind typified show day at Rosedale on Saturday 19 August, but as usual the crowds of locals and visitors came out and enjoyed the varied displays of horses and other livestock, exhibitions, trade stands and live music throughout the day.

Children’s Sports Day

Horses showing off

Cattle Pimping!

“Thanks very much!” – Heavy Horse Judging

Much thanks to all on the Show Committee and to the volunteers who manned the gates and controlled the traffic to make the day such a success.

Thanks must also go to all those who donated to the Rosedale Abbey church repair appeal by buying the excellent calendars on offer or by giving directly or both. The grand sum of  £546.30 was raised for this vital cause.

The remaining calendars will be on sale shortly in the village between now and the church appeal sponsored coffee morning in the Coach House Inn on Saturday 2 September from 10.00 to 12.00 am – in the meantime, if you have any queries, please call 01751 417071 and leave a message.

Thanks again to all who helped make this Saturday such a special day for Rosedale.

The Great War 1914 – 1918

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the start of the Great War on 4 August 1914, we should pause to remember those from Rosedale who gave their lives in that horrific conflict.

The memorial the Updale Reading Room

The memorial at the Updale Reading Room

A number of local history societies, including Rosedale History Society, are staging a Great War exhibition at the NYM Railway station at Pickering for the next week, after which the Rosdale displays will be shown at Rosedale Show on 16 August.

Finally, there is a planned ‘Lights Out’ throughout the nation on Monday night, 4 August, between 10 and 11pm, when all public buildings will turn off all lights except one per building. Private householders are being encouraged to do the same, with perhaps just one candle or similar small light in a window during the dark hour.