Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

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Archive for the ‘Rosedale History Society’ Category


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Shown below is a provisional list of dates over the next two months – please look in regularly for any changes and additions!

Sunday 10 November – 1015 am – Remembrance Sunday Service, Rosedale Church and War Memorial

Tuesday 12 November – 7.00pm – Rosedale Show AGM followed by Committee Meeting, Reading Room

Friday 22 November – 7.30 pm – Barn Owl Talk, Reading Room, free entry but donations to Church Appeal welcomed

Saturday 30 November – 8.30pm – Christmas Auction in aid of The Reading Room, Coach House Inn

Sunday 1 December – 2.00-4.00pm – Rosedale History Archive Tea and Chat, Reading Room

Saturday 7 December – 10.00-12.00am – Coffee Morning, Coach House Inn

Wednesday 11 December – 4.00pm – Father Christmas visits Rosedale Abbey

Monday 23 December – 6.30pm – Carols on The Green, Rosedale Abbey Village Green. Collection in Aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance


Just a reminder that the Coffee Morning in the Coach House Inn in aid of the Reading Room/Village Hall is on Saturday 1 June from 10 to 12am with the usual cake sales and raffle and that the Rosedale History Archive quarterly Tea and Chat Meeting will be in the Village Hall in Updale from 2 to 4pm on Sunday 2 June where a host of historical archive material; will be available to peruse and also some excellent tea and cakes will be available! Both events are free to enter but donations would be appreciated to help the annual running costs of both organisations.


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The quarterly Tea and Chat of the Rosedale History Archive will be on Sunday 3 March from 2.00 to 4.00pm in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall. The extensive historical archive will be accessible and also the usual excellent tea and cakes. Admission is free but a donations to the Archive would be welcomed.


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COACH HOUSE INN COFFEE MORNING.  The next coffee morning, at The Coach House on Saturday 2nd December, 10.00-12.00, is in aid of the National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) with raffle and cakes.  Held in memory of two much missed Rosedale residents, Linda and Ann, who have died of this incurable condition in the past 12 months. 

ROSEDALE HISTORY MEETING Our March meeting takes place on Sunday, 3rd December between 2.00 – 4.00pm at the usual venue of the Updale Reading Room/ Village Hall  Internet access is available and tea and cake will be on offer, as usual.


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The next Coffee Morning and Charity Raffle in The Coach House Inn will be on Saturday 2 September from 10.00 to 12.00am, and the Rosedale History Society Tea and Chat on Sunday 3 September will be in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall from 2.00 to 4.00 pm – all are very welcome to come and there is no entry fee.

The new Rosedale 2024 Calendar will be available for sale at both events, making them ideal opportunities to get some early Christmas shopping done !


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At last, Rosedale has its show back after a gap of three years. A huge amount of work has gone into the planning and set-up of the show by Sam Dring and the Show Committee with, it has to be admitted, some scratching of the collective head to remember how it was done before!

Setting up the rings and erecting the tentage started on Tuesday 15 August and preparations were almost fully complete by noon on Friday 18 August thanks to the stirling efforts of a small team of hard working volunteers:

Pressing in fence posts for arena fencing
Tying on the fencing around the main ring
Preparing the smart new-style marquee for the Industrial classes.

After a very damp night, Saturday 19 August turned out to be a warm, semi-sunny day which brought out the crowds in their many thousands (final figures to be confirmed) for the show. The ground however was still very soft, but thanks to the tireless work on local farmers the horseboxes and larger vehicles were successfully delivered and towed back out at the end of the day. Here are some snap shots to remind us all of an excellent day all round:

Early birds starting to lay out entries in the Industrial tent.
The First Prize – after three years, the first prize of the 23 Show was presented by Ms Jess Johnson of Terrington.
The Rosedale History Society’s 150th Rosedale Show Anniversary Exhibition. Parts of the Exibition will be on display in Rosedale Abbey church for the rest of the holiday season.
Old and Older! Vintage tractors on display
Sean Doughty bringing his smartly turned out Field Marshall vintage tractor on to the show field.
Mr Arthur Yeoman, President of The Show for 2023 with Sam Dring, Chair of the Rosedale Show Committee
Enjoying the Job – Steve Colling judging the Wines entries
Good to see Bill Metcalfe back at the Show
The magnificent collection of trophies on show, thanks to Gill Gaines and family
Little and Large in one of the Pony Classes!
A good crowd enjoyed the performances of the Railroad Hobos and the Bilsdale Silver Band

An unusual sight – a Ridden Heavy Horse class on show.

Ian McIntyre judging the Sporting Dogs class in the very popular (and noisy) Dog Show
Foxhounds being judged
They’re Off! The start of the first of the hound trails

The Baby Show
The skipping challenge in the Children’s Sports Day
Stephanie Barraclough with Emmie up on Tash in the Fancy Dress on Horseback class.
The new King and Queen!

As in previous years, the revived Show was put on only through the hard work of the Show Committee members and the team of volunteers who gathered to set up the show area, who ran the entry gates , shepherded the traffic, crunched all the entry tickets, cleaned the trophies and assisted the stewards and judges and , of course, Adam Collier for his wonderful commentary on the day’s proceedings – our heartfelt thanks to all who contributed and we look forward to seeing you again next year on the Show Field on Saturday 17 August.


The ever popular Rosedale Calendar, covering the rich tapestry of life and landscape in the dale as taken by three local photographers and sold in aid of the Save Rosedale Abbey Church Appeal, is now available at £10 per copy from the Abbey Stores in Rosedale Abbey.

The calendars will also be on sale at the Coffee Mornings at the Coach House Inn on Saturday 5 August, 2 September, 7 October, 4 November and 2 December. They will also be on sale at Rosedale Show on 19 August and for those outside the dale who would like copies the cost will be £12.50 each including post and packing; please order by email at rosedalehistory@hotmail.co.uk

Buy now or even sooner to avoid disappointment!


On Saturday 3 June the Coach House Inn will be hosting a coffee morning with raffle from 10.00 to 12.00am in aid of the Village Hall/Reading Room.

Then, on Sunday 4 June, the Rosedale History Society will hold its quarterly Tea and Chat in the Updale Reading Room from 2.00 to 4.00pm, when its extensive social and industrial heritage archive will be available to view. Entry is free but donations are welcome.

The Stall on The Green event held recently raised £260.20 for the church Appeal Fund – well done all.


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The next Coffee Morning in the Coach House Inn on Saturday 4 March from 10.00 to 12.00am will be in aid of the Rosedale Community School. The usual cake sale and raffle will be on so come along and enjoy the company and help support this vital part of our community

On Sunday 5 March 2023 there will the Rosedale History Society’s next quarterly Tea and Chat Meeting at the Updale Reading room from 2.00 to 4.00pm. A large archive of local social, family and industrial history will be available to browse so if you are interested in the history of the dale come along and find out more. As usual delicious cakes and tea will be served. No entry charge but donations to the RHS will be very welcome.


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The postponed Coffee Morning took place today and thanks to the generosity of the many people from the dale and outside who came to enjoy the craic £210 was raised for the History Society. Also many thanks to Dave Oakey, Tina and Beth for their usual cheerful and efficient hosting of the event

The RHS coffee morning – 10 December 2022

The next charity coffee morning will be on Saturday 7 January 2023 at the usual time of 10.00 to 12.00am.

In the meantime, a very Happy Christmas and and a less turbulent New Year to all our viewers on the site!