A a result of a severe accident on the Bank on Wednesday (see below), the road is closed from the upper car park at Bank Top and by the White Horse Inn at the bottom until further notice.

Look out the windows, read the signs and ignore the satnav.
Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.
A a result of a severe accident on the Bank on Wednesday (see below), the road is closed from the upper car park at Bank Top and by the White Horse Inn at the bottom until further notice.
Look out the windows, read the signs and ignore the satnav.
Heavy snowfall makes our dale look even more stunning this February Update Natural History Recorder
Daleside road, Rosedale East
Cloud formation over Bell Top
… or the perils of not reading the danger signs and not using common sense when the Bank is covered with ice and snow. There were two accidents today, the first occurring overnight and then another this morning which resulted in the Yorkshire Air Ambulance being called out, along with the Fire and Rescue Service and the normal ambulance.
Fortunately, only walking wounded this morning.
Parked on the hill overnight – dented pride only
Remember, stay away from Chimney Bank in wintry conditions, no matter how well you think you know the hill, if you want to avoid being the fifth incident so far this winter. No-one seriously hurt this time, but please support the Yorkshire Air Ambulance – you never know, you might need it sometime!
Chimney Bank has been closed until further notice because of a serious crash on the hill on Friday morning 8 December. The BATA feed lorry skidded on frozen snow and crashed just above the first hairpin on the hill, shedding its load of cattle feed.
The BATA lorry on the Bank
Fortunately the driver only suffered a broken ankle and was taken off to Scarborough Hospital.
In view of the conditions on the Bank and the forecasted very bad weather, the recovery crews told the police and Highways on site that it would be unsafe to attempt a recovery until the weather improves. So the Bank is closed until further notice – watch this space and our social media for further reports.
Aine Howe Cross
A wonderful bloom of heather across the moors this year, but come soon as it wont’t last long!
Published in the Yorkshire Post on 26 August.
The annoying sea fret over the last few days has thankfully disappeared! Taken at Ebenezer Cottage in Northdale, once the home of a retired ironstone miner called Jack Spencely, and published in The Yorkshire Post of 6 June 2016.
Ebenezer Cottage in Northdale
From The White Horse Farm Inn
The first, slushy snow of the winter in Rosedale, best viewed through a pub window.