The annual show (every August) is run by the Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Society. This year will include Cattle, Goats, Heavy Horses, Ponies, jumping, local produce, Rabbits, Vintage Tractors & Scarecrows and much more. More details to follow soon on the Rosedale Show’s website.
Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.
From Lorrie Westwood: the following donations have been made from the monies raised in the collection buckets over the weekend of the Jubilee period:
£100 to the church for use of the Turret field. £100 to the Reading Room for meetings. £100 to the cricket/football for their help. £150 to the Community Fund.
Many thanks to everyone who made this great result possible.
A number of events around the dale are taking place to celebrate HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Most of the events are in aid of the Save Rosedale Abbey Church Appeal and you can contribute directly during the week at the events or by BACS payment to Save Rosedale Abbey Church, account no 35397892, sort code 05-05-70 at Virgin Money.
Some images from the celebrations in the dale are below:
The excellent concert on 9 June in the church was a fitting finale to a very successful Platinum Jubilee week in Rosedale. Congratulations and thanks to all who organised the many events and to all the volunteers who helped run them so well. Many visitors commented on on the bright and friendly atmosphere in the village throughout the period and Rosedale can be proud of its tribute to HM The Queen and its efforts in raising much needed funds for the church’s restoration. The Church Treasurer is now drawing breath and will publish the financial results shortly. Remember, you can continue giving at any time to this vital effort, either in the boxes in the church itself or by BACS to Save Rosedale Abbey Church at Virgin Money account number 35397892, sort code 05-05-70
Afternote: the final amount for the church appeal raised after costs is a magnificent £4,530! Again, well done to all involved.
Cricket returned to Rosedale today, Saturday 25 July, when friends of Dave Oakey, landlord of the Coach House Inn, staged a socially distanced cricket match as part of their weekend’s entertainment in the village.