The annual wool gather took place on Thursday morning with farmers from around Rosedale and Hartoft bringing in their wool sacks for collection by British Wool.

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.
The annual wool gather took place on Thursday morning with farmers from around Rosedale and Hartoft bringing in their wool sacks for collection by British Wool.
The Rosedale Agricultural, Horticultural and Industrial Show was held on the Milburn Field in Rosedale Abbey on Saturday 17 August. The show was blessed with excellent weather and dry ground this year which made for a grand day out for the large number of visitors ( currently thought to be around 4000) who enjoyed the many attractions on offer in the new show rings layout and exhibition areas, along with a wide variety of trades stands. A short selection of photos are below to give a flavour of the day:
As always, the show would never happen without the stirling efforts of the all-volunteer committee and the many other helpers giving up their time to run the entrance gates, control the traffic and parking and act as stewards at all the classes and events within the very full show programme.
Planning for the 2025 show is already under way to build on the resounding success of the 2024 show and should anyone wish to help out next year please keep an eye out on social media and on, or contact the Secretary on
See you all in ’25!
Maggie Barraclough has forwarded the link below which was in a recent travel article in the Times – enjoy:
Show time approaches rapidly and so the organizing committee has put out the annual plea for volunteers to come to the Milburn Field on Tuesday evening, 13 August, at 6.00pm to help set up the arenas – if you can please come along, armed with a pair of gardening gloves and a pair of scissors, and a friend or two!
The Show is organised and run entirely by volunteers, so your help with setting up the showground is very important and would be much appreciated – see you there on Tuesday 13 August ay 6.00pm.
The schedule for the 2024 Rosedale Show is now published. It gives the list of classes, entry forms, FAQs, membership applications and lots more.
The Schedule is available in Abbey Stores, Graze on The Green, The Coach House Inn and St Mary and St Lawrence Church and other outlets in the dale. Enquiries to
Dear Rosedale Show Supporters,
Thank you for your amazing support for Rosedale Show. We thought you might like to know that the deadline for Sponsorship to appear in the schedule and catalogue is 31st March. The deadline for appearance in the catalogue is 25th July. This is also the deadline for advertising. There are still a variety of classes waiting for a sponsor and if you were interested, please get in touch us! Plants, flowers and vegetables are feeling particularly lonely! Looking Forward to hearing from you.
Many Thanks! Vicki and Pam
Our Contact details are as follows:
Phone01751417125: Drop off point- The Old Police House, Rosedale Abbey. YO18 8SA
WhatsApp 07875 523319
BACS Rosedale Show Committee-Sort Code 05-06-69 Account; 36595870
For further details contact
On a misty but fine Saturday morning, the farmers from around the dale brought their wool harvest for 2020 down to the village for loading on to the British Wool wagon.
Permission has finally been given to hold a Harvest Festival service in St May and St Lawrence Church, Rosedale Abbey on Thursday 22 October at 7.00pm. All are most welcome to come and celebrate the bounty of nature and give thanks in this most difficult of times.
A must for your diaries – BBC2 on Friday 17 July at 9.00pm – and featuring Dale Head Farm and other parts of Rosedale.