Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.
Maggie Barraclough has forwarded the link below which was in a recent travel article in the Times – enjoy:
The quarterly Tea and Chat of the Rosedale History Archive will be on Sunday 3 March from 2.00 to 4.00pm in the Updale Reading Room/Village Hall. The extensive historical archive will be accessible and also the usual excellent tea and cakes. Admission is free but a donations to the Archive would be welcomed.
A chance to win a striking original artwork of Rosedale!
This lovely painting, by professional artist Jo Wiley of Whitby, is offered for auction to raise money for the Save Rosedale Church Appeal.
If you would like to make an offer by sealed bid, please drop your bid price, your name and email/phone number off at The Oaks or Phoenix House, both on Gill Lane or at Thorgill House. The painting has a reserve of £140.00.
The result of the auction will be made at the Moorland Voices choral concert in the church this Friday, 29th October. If you are at the concert, sealed bids can be taken on the night.
Copies of the new, updated and much expanded edition of the Mines & Railway booklet by Hayes & Rutter, first published in 1971, were handed over to Linda Chambers of the Rosedale History Society by Chris Hall of Scarborough Historical & Archaeological Society, the publishers.
This edition is the result of months of work by the editor, Tom Mutton, Manager for the Land of Iron project, together with significant contributions of new material from the history society, local industrial heritage expert Malcolm Bisby, local museums and many others.
Copies of the new book can be obtained in Rosedale from either Abbey Stores at £8 per copy or from the history society at rosedalehistory@hotmail.co.uk and online direct from the publishers
The price is also £8.00 but post and packing extra.
The work on the line and kilns has continued apace since the last update. Work to stabilise and add some weather resistance to the Bank Top kilns is now completed.
Sean Doughty and his team have also completed the restoration of the line through what was a swamp by Indian Steps by dumping heather bales and re-laying the track on top – an excellent job as you can see:
The William Birch contractor team are busy on stabilising the southern buttresses of the Iron Kilns by removing vegetation growing in the stone and brick work and then repointing to weather proof the structures:
There is now considerable concern over parts of the Stone Kilns where there has been a major stone fall at bay no 10. Engineers and members of the project team have recently inspected the damage and plans are being made for remedial action to be taken soon.
Keep watching this space for further updates!
Work continues to stabilise and conserve the Bank Top ironstone kilns and it should be finished by mid September. Sean Doughty and his team are busy working their way around the line from Blakey to Reeking Gill, restoring culverts and cutting new ones where necessary as well as diverting the path around the worst of the swampy areas.
The line remains closed while all this work goes on – just a reminder!
As reported earlier, work is well under way on the Bank Top kilns. Now work has started on the northerly of the two sets of kilns at East Mines to stabilise and preserve what is possible with these extensive remains.
Work to restore the trackway around Dale Head continues and the line remains closed until it is completed.
Natural England have announced the temporary removal of open access to the old railway line from Reeking Gill around Dale Head to Blakey Junction from 8 July to 30 September to allow essential work to be done restore the path as part of the Land of Iron project- see the flyer for details:
Signage has been put by NYMNP at 16 access points to the line around the dale.