Walkers Are Welcome Rosedale Abbey is part of the “This Exploited Land of Iron” Project. Click for more info.

Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.


The charity coffee morning held at the Coach House Inn on Saturday 4 May raised the amazing sum of £460 for the Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team. There was an excellent turnout of locals and visitors who had the opportunity to see some of the kit and vehicles the team use in their vital work in the North Yorkshire area.

Pete Thompson from the team and Rev David Haddon-Reece
Pete Thompson talking about the work, training and equipment of the Mountain Rescue Team

As ever, many thanks to Lorrie and Carole for organising the raffle and Dave Oakey and his team from the Coach House for hosting the event. Of course, special thanks to all who contributed raffle prizes, cakes for the sale and donations for the coffee and biscuits.

The next coffee morning will be on Saturday 1 June at the Coach House from 10 to 12am and will be in aid of the Reading Room/Village Hall.

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