Rosedale Community News
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Archive for the ‘This Exploited Land’ Category
TEL East Mines Update at 10 December 2016
The site has now been cleared and most of it restored, although the track way still needs to be surfaced, it is hoped, with furnace cinder to replicate its orginal state.
TEL East Mines Update 10 as at 26 November 2016
Not much progress to report as the recent wet weather has prevented work on the site. Some restoration of the approaches to the kilns area is needed and the immediate area of the workings needs tidying up.
TEL East Mines Update 16 November 2016
All the main work is now completed and the portakabins and plant have been removed from the area as of today. All that remains is to restore the approaches to the work site by the kilns and top dress the new pathway. The next phase will be to clear the culverts at Reeking Gill to prevent further erosion there.
TEL East Mines Update 26 October 2016
The trackway project is progressing well and the site foreman expects that the main works will be completed by next weekend, with restoration of the site continuing after that.
This Exploited Land Sitrep as at 15 October 2016
Work to consolidated the track way at the Stone Kilns site at East mines continues. No firm date has been given for completion, so keep watching this site for information.
This Exploited Land Sitrep as at 8 October 2016
Work on the repairing the track way is well on course. The new project manager, Tom Mutton, is now in post and is about to recruit the two final members of the five strong project team, which should be fully established early in the new year.
This Exploited Land Situation Report as at 2 Oct 16
Work on restoring the trackway near the Stone Kilns at East Mines is progressing well. The slope has been graded and the gabions are being installed.
There is a signposted and waymarked diversion around the working for walkers – please comply!
A Star In Rosedale
Tony Robinson, of Blackadder and Time Team fame, and a film crew were in Rosedale on Monday 5 September, shooting for a series on walks across the UK to be shown later this year on Channel 5. Linda Chambers from the Rosedale History Society was asked to advise Tony of the history of ironstone mining in the dale.
The production company will be contacting the History Society once the broadcast dates are known, so keep in touch with the blog and the Community Forum for further details.
This Exploited Land
We have just received the brilliant news that the Heritage Lottery Fund has granted £2.5 million towards the This Exploited Land (TEL) project to conserve, protect and interpret our unique industrial heritage.
The full NYMNP press release is at this link:
The Rosedale History Society has played a full role along with the other partners in the project to bring about this excellent result. There will, of course, be regular updates on the TEL project progress from now on, here and at the RHS regular Sunday meetings on the first Sunday of each month.
Well done all!