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Rosedale Community News

Welcome to the Rosedale blog. This is where we share news and information about events in Rosedale and the wider community throughout the year. You’ll also find news about the village timetable, our micro enterprises, school events, clubs, and lively socials.

Archive for the ‘Church’ Category


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A Remembrance Service was held in St Mary and St Lawrence Church on Sunday 14 November at 10.15 am, led by Rev Christine Haddon-Reece, followed by an Act of Remembrance at the War memorial at 10.55 am.

Around 40 locals and visitors attended – an excellent turnout and thanks to all who came to remember and pay their respects on a lovely sunny morning in Rosedale.


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The Moorland Voices choir, directed by Clare Haynes, gave an excellent concert in St Mary and St Lawrence Church in Rosedale Abbey on Friday night. An appreciative audience was entertained with a wide programme of folk, gospel and jazz numbers, both choral and instrumental, which raised £700 pounds for the church appeal fund from ticket sales, donations and the auction of a watercolour picture of Rosedale.

Moorland Voices on song!

Our thanks go again to Clare Haynes and the choir and to the volunteers who set up the event and provided the delicious snacks and wines which contributed to a most enjoyable evening.


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A chance to win a striking original artwork of Rosedale!

This lovely painting, by professional artist Jo Wiley of Whitby, is offered for auction to raise money for the Save Rosedale Church Appeal.

If you would like to make an offer by sealed bid, please drop your bid price, your name and email/phone number off at The Oaks or Phoenix House, both on Gill Lane or at Thorgill House.  The painting has a reserve of £140.00. 

The result of the auction will be made at the Moorland Voices choral concert in the church this Friday, 29th October.  If you are at the concert, sealed bids can be taken on the night.


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Our much loved coffee mornings are starting again at last on Saturday 2 October in the Coach House Inn, Rosedale Abbey, from 10.00 until 12.00 and in aid of Community Village in Bloom.

The usual cake sale and ever popular raffle will also take place and the the new Rosedale Calendar for 2022 will be available at £10 per copy in aid of the Rosedale church appeal.

Hoping to see you all there on Saturday at 10.00am


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It’s that time again – the splendid Rosedale Calendar for 2022 in aid of the Save Rosedale Church Appeal is now out and available from Abbey Stores, Graze on The Green and Gillies Jones Glass Studio for £10 a copy, or from rosedalehistory@hotmail.co.uk for £12 with post and packaging included.

St Mary and St Lawrence Church East Window

These make ideal Christmas presents so buy one for the house and another one or two to send to family and friends elsewhere to remind them of lovely Rosedale!

All funds raised go to support this vital project, where another £80,000 is needed to restore and preserve our church for future generations.

Rosedale Church Closure

  1. In view of the virulence of the pandemic and following Government advice, Rosedale PCC has voted to close the church for public worship for the time being. This includes opening the church for private prayer.
  2. Irrespective of how well we can assess and manage the risk in church, it seems entirely wrong to invite people to leave their homes to get to church when the Government’s advice is so strongly to Stay at Home.

Rosedale Church Services

Church Services at Rosedale Church

Sunday December 20th: Morning Prayer at 9.15am.

After the service, the church will remain open for private prayer until 3pm, decorated, warm and lit, with CD carols playing and a church member in attendance.

We hope that people will feel very welcome to visit and, if they wish, to light a candle, perhaps in memory of a loved one they have lost this year or just to bring a gleam of light at this dark time.

Christmas Eve: Holy Communion of the Nativity at 10.00pm.

All are welcome. We are hoping that a mini-choir will be able to sing some carols in the service. There will be mulled wine and minced pies (served safely!) after the service.

Contact Revd David Haddon-Reece, 01751 417401, or Mrs Lorraine Dale, 417448.

Rosedale Christmas Auction 2020

Sadly but as expected the famous (or should that be infamous!) Christmas auction will not take place this year in the Coach House Inn. Instead there is now a draw where punters can ‘buy’ squares in the Abbey Stores and the Coach House Inn. Proceeds will go towards Rosedale Community School, the church, the Reading Room and Rosedale Football Club.

Details of prizes and the date of the draw will be notified as soon as known. Your support is, as ever, strongly requested