We are very fortunate to have dippers here in Rosedale on the River Seven. A bird of upland fast flowing water they feed on aquatic insects and dippers are a good indicator of a clean river.
Dippers nest early in the year and here in Rosedale pairs were nest building in February and laying eggs by mid March. We already have two nests with fledged young and another two pairs still feeding young at the nest. The fledglings continue to be fed by the adults along the river away from the nest for a few weeks until they can feed themselves. A fledgling will perch motionless on a rock between feeds perfectly camouflaged by its mottled colouring, protecting it against predators. As well as feeding duties the adults will strip out the nest and refurbish it ready for a second brood.
Dippers get their name from their habitat of dipping while perched which enables them to blend in with the surrounding flowing water. To watch a newly fledged dipper dipping tentatively is a great pleasure. Dippers are born to dip. Updale Natural History Recorder